Unravelling the relationships between Anopheles darlingi (Diptera: Culicidae) densities, environmental factors and malaria incidence: understanding the variable patterns of malarial transmission in French Guiana (South America)

Girod, R., Roux, E., Berger, F., Stefani, A., Gaborit, P., Carinci, R., Issaly, J., Carme, B., Dusfour, I., 2011. Unravelling the relationships between Anopheles darlingi (Diptera: Culicidae) densities, environmental factors and malaria incidence: understanding the variable patterns of malarial transmission in French Guiana (South America). Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 105, 107–122. 

Land cover, land use and malaria in the Amazon: a systematic literature review of studies using remotely sensed data

Stefani, A., Dusfour, I., Corrêa, A.P.S., Cruz, M.C., Dessay, N., Galardo, A.K., Galardo, C.D., Girod, R., Gomes, M.S., Gurgel, H., Lima, A.C.F., Moreno, E.S., Musset, L., Nacher, M., Soares, A.C., Carme, B., Roux, E., 2013a. Land cover, land use and malaria in the Amazon: a systematic literature review of studies using remotely sensed data. Malaria Journal, 12 (1), 192

Vulnérabilité, accès aux soins et à la prévention des maladies vectorielles et coopération transfrontalière - Cas de la Zone transfrontalière Guyane Brésil

Roux, E., Van Gastel, B., Peiter, P., Franco, V. da C., Morel, V., Eugenio, N., Mendes, A.M., 2016. Vulnérabilité, accès aux soins et à la prévention des maladies vectorielles et coopération transfrontalière - Cas de la Zone transfrontalière Guyane Brésil. Restitution colloque of the OHM-Oyapock Unit (Labex DRIIHM), Cayenne, French Guiana.

Cross-border epidemiological data integration and harmonization – Application to malaria in the cross-border area between French Guiana and Brazil. Latin America and Caribbean Scientific Data Management Workshop (ICSU-WDS, ABC, Museum of Tomorrow)

Roux, E., Saldanha, R., Barcellos, C., Mandon, T., Gomes, M. do S.M., Mosnier, E., Guarmit, B., Desconnets, J.C., 2018. Cross-border epidemiological data integration and harmonization – Application to malaria in the cross-border area between French Guiana and Brazil. Latin America and Caribbean Scientific Data Management Workshop (ICSU-WDS, ABC, Museum of Tomorrow), Rio de Janeiro.