Un “site sentinelle” à la frontière franco-brésilienne pour comprendre et suivre les relations entre climat et santé
[Artigo científico]
[vetores] [água] [ar] [eventos extremos]
[Artigo científico]
[vetores] [água] [ar] [eventos extremos]
Li, Z., Catry, T., Dessay, N., da Costa Gurgel, H., Aparecido de Almeida, C., Barcellos, C., Roux, E., 2017. Regionalization of a Landscape-Based Hazard Index of Malaria Transmission: An Example of the State of Amapá, Brazil. Data, 2, 37.
Roux, E., Saldanha, R., Barcellos, C., Mandon, T., Gomes, M. do S.M., Mosnier, E., Guarmit, B., Desconnets, J.C., 2018. Cross-border epidemiological data integration and harmonization – Application to malaria in the cross-border area between French Guiana and Brazil. Latin America and Caribbean Scientific Data Management Workshop (ICSU-WDS, ABC, Museum of Tomorrow), Rio de Janeiro.
Briand, D., Roux, E., Desconnets, J.-C., Gervet, C., Barcellos, C., 2018. From global action against malaria to local issues: state of the art and perspectives of web platforms dealing with malaria information. Malaria Journal, 17.