Unravelling the relationships between Anopheles darlingi (Diptera: Culicidae) densities, environmental factors and malaria incidence: understanding the variable patterns of malarial transmission in French Guiana (South America)

Girod, R., Roux, E., Berger, F., Stefani, A., Gaborit, P., Carinci, R., Issaly, J., Carme, B., Dusfour, I., 2011. Unravelling the relationships between Anopheles darlingi (Diptera: Culicidae) densities, environmental factors and malaria incidence: understanding the variable patterns of malarial transmission in French Guiana (South America). Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 105, 107–122. 

Land cover, land use and malaria in the Amazon: a systematic literature review of studies using remotely sensed data

Stefani, A., Dusfour, I., Corrêa, A.P.S., Cruz, M.C., Dessay, N., Galardo, A.K., Galardo, C.D., Girod, R., Gomes, M.S., Gurgel, H., Lima, A.C.F., Moreno, E.S., Musset, L., Nacher, M., Soares, A.C., Carme, B., Roux, E., 2013a. Land cover, land use and malaria in the Amazon: a systematic literature review of studies using remotely sensed data. Malaria Journal, 12 (1), 192