Complementarity of empirical and process-based approaches to modelling mosquito population dynamics with Aedes albopictus as an example—Application to the development of an operational mapping tool of vector populations

Abstract: Mosquitoes are responsible for the transmission of major pathogens worldwide. Modelling their population dynamics and mapping their distribution can contribute effectively to disease surveillance and control systems. Two main approaches are classically used to understand and predict mosquito abundance in space and time, namely empirical (or statistical) and process-based models.

A Mapping Review on Urban Landscape Factors of Dengue Retrieved from Earth Observation Data, GIS Techniques, and Survey Questionnaires

Abstract: To date, there is no effective treatment to cure dengue fever, a mosquito-borne disease which has a major impact on human populations in tropical and sub-tropical regions. Although the characteristics of dengue infection are well known, factors associated with landscape are highly scale dependent in time and space, and therefore difficult to monitor. We propose here a mapping review based on 78 articles that study the relationships between landscape factors and urban dengue cases considering household, neighborhood and administrative levels.

Correcting the effect of sampling bias in species distribution modeling – A new method in the case of a low number of presence data

Abstract: Species distribution models that only require presence data provide potentially inaccurate results due to sampling bias and presence data scarcity. Methods have been proposed in the literature to minimize the effects of sampling bias, but without explicitly considering the issue of sample size.

Resurgence risk for malaria, and the characterization of a recent outbreak in an Amazonian border area between French Guiana and Brazil

Background: In 2017, inhabitants along the border between French Guiana and Brazil were affected by a malaria outbreak primarily due to Plasmodium vivax (Pv). While malaria cases have steadily declined between 2005 and 2016 in this Amazonian region, a resurgence was observed in 2017.

Encontro Internacional sobre Clima e Saúde

O pesquisador Christovam Barcellos, coordenador do Observatório de Clima e Saúde, ressaltou que a saúde é uma mediadora entre clima e sociedade. 

"Apontado como a maior oportunidade do século XXI , o debate em torno da relação entre mudanças climáticas e saúde permite mostrar como a vida de todos é impactada pelo fenômeno do aquecimento global. Essa foi a tônica do Encontro Internacional sobre Clima e Saúde, promovido pelo Instituto Clima e Sociedade (iCS) e a Embaixada da Alemanha em Brasília no dia 13 de setembro de 2018.

Fiocruz estabelece acordo internacional para monitorar a malária

A Fiocruz estabeleceu um acordo com o Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD, França) e a Universidade de Brasília (UnB) visando criar um Laboratório Misto Internacional (LMI) que vai promover o intercâmbio de experiências, metodologias e tecnologias voltadas para o monitoramento de doenças transmitidas por vetores na Amazônia. Esse laboratório vai, inicialmente, acompanhar a situação epidemiológica da malária na fronteira entre o Amapá e a Guiana Francesa.

Rapport sur l’orpaillage sur le plateau des Guyanes / Relatório sobre o garimpo de ouro no planalto das Guianas

Rapport sur l’orpaillage sur le plateau des Guyanes / Relatório sobre o garimpo de ouro no planalto das Guianas: Rahm M., Thibault P., Shapiro A., Smartt T., Paloeng C., Crabbe S., Farias P., Carvalho R., Joubert P. (2017). Monitoring the impact of gold mining on the forest cover and freshwater in the Guiana Shield. Reference year 2015. pp.20: